Small ( Ladies AU 8) ( Black Only

Ladies 5 Pack Seamless Briefs and Cotton Period Underwear


A great way to period.  5 pairs of our super comfy super smart period pants to last all week.

4 pairs of our seamless period underwear in moderate and heavy absorbency. 

1 pair of our organic cotton period underwear in heavy absorbency up to 4 tampons worth.

Please note the pack will be a mix of black, orange and coffee colours and a mix of hipster style seamless bikini style and our higher waisted seamless style. Plus one pair of cotton period briefs . It’s designed to give you enough pairs to handle the different days of your cycle. 

LOOKS AND FEELS :  Super elegant and smooth in our seamless style and comfy and soft in the organic.

ABSORBS: Between 2- 6 tampons depending on the style

USE WHEN: Everyday wear - also great for heavy discharge. Can't be detected under tight clothes. Wear lower waisted seamless on lighter days or in between days or as a.back up to other items and the Organic Cotton can be worn at night to bed .

The higher waisted seamless can be worn on your heaviest days or for light bladder leaks. They are heavy absorbency or up to 5 - 6 tampons. 

Save money on disposables and save the planet from sanitary waste

Wash wear repeat !  

Rinse, wash and hang dry on a line